

Cet article analyse les déterminants du choix de localisation des étudiants en mobilité internationale. En se basant sur les tendances documentées de la migration internationale des étudiants, nous identifions les différents facteurs associés à l’attraction des migrants ainsi qu’aux coûts de l’installation à l’étranger. À l’aide de nouvelles données sur le nombre d’étudiants provenant d’un large éventail de pays d’origine et étudiant dans 13 pays de l’OCDE, nous évaluons l’importance des différents facteurs identifiés dans la théorie. Nous constatons qu’il existe un effet de réseau significatif dans la migration des étudiants, un résultat jusqu’à présent non documenté dans la littérature. Nous constatons également que les facteurs de coût, tels que les prix du logement, et les variables d’attractivité, telles que la qualité déclarée des universités, jouent un rôle significatif. En revanche, nous ne trouvons pas de rôle important pour les frais d’inscription.


This paper analyzes the determinants of the choice of location of international students. Building on the documented trends in international migration of students, we identify the various factors associated to the attraction of migrants as well as the costs of moving abroad. Using new data capturing the number of students from a large set of origin countries studying in a set of 13 OECD countries, we assess the importance of the various factors identified in the theory. We find support for a significant network effect in the migration of students, a result so far undocumented in the literature. We also find a significant role for cost factors such as housing prices and for attractiveness variables such as the reported quality of universities. In contrast, we do not find an important role for registration fees.


Beine, Michel, Noël, Romain and Ragot, Lionel, (2014), Determinants of the international mobility of students, Economics of Education Review, 41, issue C, p. 40-54, https://EconPapers.repec.org/RePEc:eee:ecoedu:v:41:y:2014:i:c:p:40-54.

title = {Determinants of the international mobility of students},
author = {Beine, Michel and Noël, Romain and Ragot, Lionel},
year = {2014},
journal = {Economics of Education Review},
volume = {41},
number = {C},
pages = {40-54},
abstract = {This paper analyzes the determinants of the choice of location of international students. Building on the documented trends in international migration of students, we identify the various factors associated to the attraction of migrants as well as the costs of moving abroad. Using new data capturing the number of students from a large set of origin countries studying in a set of 13 OECD countries, we assess the importance of the various factors identified in the theory. We find support for a significant network effect in the migration of students, a result so far undocumented in the literature. We also find a significant role for cost factors such as housing prices and for attractiveness variables such as the reported quality of universities. In contrast, we do not find an important role for registration fees.},
keywords = {Student mobility; Network effect; Migration costs; Higher education policy;},
url = {https://EconPapers.repec.org/RePEc:eee:ecoedu:v:41:y:2014:i:c:p:40-54}