The Macroeconomics of Free Digital Services

In this article, we develop a growth model with digital service providers collecting data from households in exchange for using their services to sell targeted advertising to traditional companies. It allows us to study the impacts of this sector on the main macroeconomic aggregates and welfare in the context of the United States

01 May 2024 · Mathilde Aubouin and Lionel Ragot

Asssessing the Role of Immigration Policy for Foreign Students: the Case of Campus France

Using a Diff-in-Diff-in-Diff approach, we test the impact of Campus France on the volume of enrollments in French universities. We pay attention to the heterogeneity of these effects across different types of universities.

10 Feb 2024 · Michel Beine and Lionel Ragot

The fiscal Impact of 30 Years of Immigration in France: an Accounting Approach

This article aims to evaluate the net contribution of immigration to the public finances of France between the late 1970s and the early 2010s.

01 Dec 2022 · Xavier Chojnicki, Lionel Ragot and Ndeye-Penda Sokhna

La dépendance de l’Europe au gaz russe: état des lieux et perspectives

This article analyzes the stakes and challenges for Europe of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict on the gas market.

01 Oct 2022 · Carl Grekou, Emmanuel Hache, Frédéric Lantz, Olivier Massol, Valérie Mignon et Lionel Ragot

The role of fees in foreign education: evidence from Italy

This article studies the determinants of international students’ mobility at the university level, focusing specifically on the role of tuition fees.

01 Mar 2020 · Michel Beine, Marco Delogu and Lionel Ragot