An Introduction to the Economics of Immigration in OECD Countries

this article summarizes economics research on the effects of immigration in member countries of the OECD.

01 Nov 2020 · Anthony Edo, Lionel Ragot, Hillel Rapoport, Sulin Sardoschau, Andreas Steinmayr, Arthur Sweetman

Immigration, vieillissement démographique et financement de la protection sociale

In this paper, we evaluate, using a dynamic general equilibrium model, the contribution of migration policy in reducing the tax burden associated with the aging population in France.

01 Jan 2012 · Xavier Chojnicki and Lionel Ragot
Image from book

On entend dire que l'immigration coûte cher à la France - Qu'en pensent les économistes?

01 Jan 2012 · Xavier Chojnicki and Lionel Ragot

Should the US have locked heaven’s door?

This paper examines the economic impact of the second great immigration wave (1945–2000) on the US economy. Contrary to recent studies, we show that immigration induced important net gains and small redistributive effects among natives.

01 Jan 2011 · Xavier Chojnicki, Frédéric Docquier and Lionel Ragot

L'immigration « choisie » face aux défis économiques du vieillissement démographique

In this paper, we show that replacement migration requires important flows whereas it implies only weak economic and financial effects.

01 Sep 2005 ·  Xavier Chojnicki, Frédéric Docquier and Lionel Ragot

L’immigration, quels effets économiques ?

In this contribution, we analyze the economic consequences of immigration into France.

01 Sep 2001 ·  Hubert Jayet, Lionel Ragot and Dominique Rajaonarison